------------------------------------------------------------------- Pond Scum's Q&D Background Changer 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFO This program is a pathetic success at randomly changing the Windows background on every boot. Let's just say that I'm not especially proud of it, but it satisfied my need for an ever-changing background without the effort of doing it manually. Author: Jason Birch (jbirch@uvaix.uvic.ca) Organization: Pond Scum Productions Date started: November 30, 1995 Last update: December 4, 1995 Version #: 1.0 Windows Version: Tried with Win95, should work with 3.1 too, send me your results if you feel like it. Distribution: Freeware -- nobody would pay for this hack... You may use the source which I am distributing with this program for whatever purpose you wish, but if you make any alterations, remove any references to either myself or Pond Scum Productions, and change its external name. Support: None. You can use the Borland Pascal 7.0 source if you really want to, but any half-decent programmer could do better in an hour. I'm a Geography major, not Comp Sci! ------------------------------------------------------------------- USAGE Called With: BAK_CHNG [windows dir] [graphic dir] Add this line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: call [bakchng location]bak_chng.exe [windows dir] [graphic dir] Where the windows dir is the location of MS Windows, and the graphic dir is where the images are kept. If no parameters are specified, then the defaults are windows dir = C:\WINDOWS\ graphic dir = C:\WINDOWS\ If only one parameter is specified, then it is assumed to be the windows dir, and the graphic dir defaults to the same value Trailing backslashes '\' are allowed as part of the directories, but are not required. In order for this program to work, after running it the first time, the user must go into the desktop settings and change the background image to [windows directory]CURRENT.BMP From then on, each iteration of bak_chng.exe will replace the CURRENT.BMP file with a random image from the graphic directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEMS AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Thus far, this program's limitations are: 1. maximum of 700 files in the graphics directory 2. the graphic directory alone can not be specified on the command line 3. choice is truly random, so same images can repeat. 4. will not use LFNs because it is loaded prior to Windows. 5. user must configure the background image to be [windows directory]CURRENT.BMP. 6. because of the Pascal randomizing procedure, for small numbers of files it doesn't really work. 7. really poor error trapping. Possible fixes (when I have time): 1. 700 files is enough :) 2. not a high priority, but may put in place a parameter parsing facility that allows specifying which of the parameters you are providing at some later date. 3. create a random list of the background files and use that progressively until it is empty, then re-create it. 4. no fix envisioned for the LFN "problem", use the truncated names. 5. don't really see fixing this one either, because this fix would make the program specific to either Win95 or Win3.1. Anyhow, I don't have any idea of how to merge files into the registry from outside of Windows95. 6. anyone got a better randomization alogrithym? 7. hey, if you install it right, it works well. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER Hey, it worked for me, but no guarantees that it will work for you. By using this software, you absolve me from any claims that way arise from its use. If this program does any damage, it's your own fault for using it.